Piano Tuner Academy Courses

Train to become a Piano Tuner

Launch your very own Business as a Professional Piano Tuner. Contact Piano Tuner Academy today.
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About our Courses

Piano Tuner Academy offers the finest intensive 5 week training course in the UK. With years of experience, we know how to teach each individual student as everyone progresses at their own pace. Our courses are kept to a maximum of 2 students. The piano trade is alive and well, and there are literally thousands of pianos throughout the UK that require regular tuning, repair, regulating and maintenance, with many more new pianos being sold each year. 

We are often asked how we can train somebody in such a short period of time. The answer is simple, we never have more than 2 students at a time. 

Longer courses are NOT one to one training and are unnecessarily padded out with information that is simply not required to become a Piano Tuner. 

Meanwhile, our students have already trained, launched their businesses and are enjoying the rewards.  

No other Piano Tuning Course offers such an experienced tutor along with a course that NEVER has more than two students at a time. 

Nobody can train you like we can! 
A unique course, a unique opportunity, for your unique future. 

Check out our ‘Student Review’ page then contact us today. 




Building a Piano Business
Want to become a Professional Piano Tuner?
Call us now on
07811 683 790

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